Monday, November 20, 2017

Who Do You Blame?

Here's the headline...

Man forgets where he parked car, finds it 20 years later

I thought this was funny at first.  A guy was absent minded and  lost a pretty big item!

Here's the story...

Back in 1997 in the German city of Frankfurt, a man reported his car as stolen to the police. 
Twenty years later, the authorities tracked down the missing vehicle, only to discover that the man who owned it had in fact, just forgotten where he’d parked the car and had assumed it had been stolen. 

The vehicle was found in a garage in an old industrial building that is due to be demolished. 

The car was in the way of the demolition so it was reported to the police who then investigated who the owner was. The man, now 76-years-old, was driven by the police with his daughter to be reunited with the car. 

Unfortunately the car was no longer functional and had to be scrapped.

I thought about it a bit, and I saw something important.  

For 20 years this guy blamed someone else for his lack of a car. 

 It was his fault all along! 

What do we have in our lives that we blame others for, that might just be OUR fault? 

Would it be anger over a failed relationship?  (You were really the selfish one.)

Would it be bitterness about being broke?  (You spent wildly and never saved.)

How about resentment for losing a job?  (You were on YouTube instead of working.)

Over the years those issues, if not claimed and dealt with, get rusty and immobile.

On the day you discover it was YOU all along, what will you say?  Oops, sorry?

Deal with it NOW!  Don't let the "authorities" make you claim your piece of junk.

Own it.

Scrap it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I Like this, something to think about!