Thursday, November 16, 2017

More Wisdom From 30 Years of Marriage.

Previously on "The ToddBlog"...

Our hero shared some of his wisdom on the blessed sacrament.  But he wasn't quite finished.

As they say on TV,,,

"But wait, there's more!"

Here's some bonus thoughts on being married 30 years.

I thought I should mention some things about communication.

I suck at it.

There, I said it.

People with my personality type, live in their heads. 

It's good to think, but once in a while, those thoughts need to translate into actual words that exit the mouth so they can be heard and be understood. 

Then appropriate responses can be rendered like "What?"

Learn to talk.

If you're not good at it, make grunting noises until they become coherent sentences.

And when you DO talk, be kind and gentle. 

It's not the end of the world if you took the wrong turn to get somewhere.  Chill!

Laugh about it.

Some homes have a general sense of anger and frustration lingering in the air.

It's evident in the tone of voice and comments made.  Clear the air of that.  It stinks anyway.

WISDOM NUGGET:  If you say something, think about your endgame.

Think, "Am I saying this just to be the one who wins the argument?"

Is it THAT important for you to parade around the "Won An Argument Award"?

Try this instead...

Respond in a way that makes the other person feel safe and loved, not belittled and embarrassed.. 

Mic drop.

**I've been doing all the sharing, so how about you?  What's something YOU have learned?**

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