Monday, October 9, 2017

Family Fun.

My wife Rose summed it up nicely.

She said "I love my family."

She ought to know.  She grew up in a family of 10 kids!

She says meal times at her house were like a fight for survival!  If you didn't grab food, it was gone!

She says they at food grown from their garden during the week, and weekends were family outings to KFC and a picnic.

It was loud, chaotic and there were often arguments!  She loved it!

Was it a perfect family?  No, there were issues, but our wonderful brains help us remember the good things and filter out the bad ones.

Family is all important to her.  I came from a smaller family, three boys.  We all had our own stuff and there were not that many fights.  Things were quiet! (Usually)

I am blessed to have the best of both worlds now!  We have three kids.  The number three is something from MY background, and they love being loud and fun, something from HER background!

Now that we are an empty nest couple, we enjoy when we can get the whole brood together in one place for Thanksgiving and play games and eat food!

This year, Barrie was the venue!

We planned to take some family pictures, carve pumpkins and consume some turkey!

The weather was not great, but we did manage to get in some picture taking time and they turned out great!

My daughter, Jasmine was the photographer and she did a fantastic job!

We ate a bunch of food and played some of our favorite games, Yahtzee and Aggravation!

We also had a lot of fun with our Nerf guns.  Don't ask me why, but we have quite an arsenal of these things!

The boy also bought new ones that fire little sponge ping pong like balls that actually hurt a bit!

Good times!

They all went home on the Sunday, and the house got really quiet again!  It was filled with wonderful memories that we can take with us forever!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautifully summarized Love!
Rose Gale