Monday, June 5, 2017

How To Get Past A Problem. (Usually)

I'm reading a book about life.

No, it's not the bible.

It's by someone I won't mention.  It's not important.

What IS important is what the person was saying about moving forward in life.

If I asked you to name something that is a wall in your life, would you know what I mean?

A wall can be something like personal debt.  It stops you from moving ahead with financial goals.

A wall can be a past hurt.  It seemingly stops you from getting really intimate with anyone.

A wall can be a difficult person.  They seem to be standing in your way, keeping you from advancing.

A wall is something that stops you, puts a boundary on you or limits you.

What if that disappeared TODAY?  What would you be doing?

Here is a cool story from the bible.

There was a man who could not walk.  He would lay by a pool and wait for the water to move.

He never got in.  He blamed others.  Someone else beat him to the water.  ALWAYS!

Jesus came along and asked him if he wanted to be haeled.  It should have been obvious right?

The first thing he started talking about were the excuses why he could not be healed.

Is that you?  Are the excuses your first defense?

If things are not the way you think they should be, is it other peoples fault?

Do you even have a plan beyond the walls of your self imposed limitations?

Jesus took care of the man right there.  POOF!  Problem solved.


Now he has the rest of his life to enjoy!

If your debt, hurt or annoying person were to suddenly become not an issue, what would you do?

Do you even really WANT your walls to be torn down?

Here is the danger we can fall into sometimes.  We make our problems part of who we are.

Our issues can become our crutch.  A way we get sympathy and attention.  Find identity.

The problem is, what if those problems were taken out of the picture?

Who are you then?

Problems are things that happen TO us.  They are NOT us.

I don't know what it might be for you, but I do know that if you're going to move forward into new areas of life, you got figure out what you want and hack away at the excuses!

Live it!

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