Monday, October 19, 2015

Matrix Control


Ah, The Matrix!

I have learned so many spiritual lessons from this movie!

Every now and then I pop it in the DVD player and re-watch it.

The biggest lesson for me comes from the fact that The Matrix itself is a form of control.  It's a way for the "machine world" to keep the human population believing that they can make choices, when in fact the computer simulation is running the whole thing behind the scenes.  The illusion is that we have a choice.

I know I am getting deep but bear with me.

I subscribe to the idea that there IS another world, a spiritual world where just the opposite is true.

The Genesis account lays out the fact that mankind has been given "choice" as his most unique quality over animals and even nature itself.  Everything else in this world acts on instinct or seasons, but we humans can act outside both.  We can choose hate over love, death over life or weather to have pizza or prime rib.  We have choices to make every day.

I hear your question loud and clear..."Why do we have free will if the creator has a plan already, are we not prisoners to it?"

Not if you don't want to be...and prisoner is a poor choice of words.  Was the marble that gave us the beautiful statue of David prisoner to Michelangelo?  No it was waiting to be made into an expression of the artist.  Get it?

Anyway I know I am a little cerebral but my point is this.  I believe there is a loving God with a master plan, but within that we have the ultimate privilege of choice.  We are the ones who steer our fate.  Want to be better at what you do?  Choose to do it and make steps to get there.  Want a better marriage?  Choose to have it and make a plan to build it.  Want to be free from fear?  Think of your biggest fear and face it with boldness.

It's up to you....

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