Tuesday, August 4, 2015


I like sci-fi.

But, hey, I am also a rational guy to.

I don't think there is anyone else out there in the universe, although I think it's fun to think about.

When I heard this story, I really started to wonder how a brilliant mind could be so wrong...

"Renowned physicist and atheist Stephen Hawking and Russian-born billionaire Yuri Milner this week announced an ambitious bid to combine vast computing capacity with the world's most powerful telescopes to intensify the so far fruitless search for extraterrestrial life. Milner says "The scope of our search will be unprecedented: a million nearby stars, the galactic center, the entire plane of the Milky Way and 100 nearby galaxies.""

This search would involve $100 million dollars!

Even Dr. Evil would be amazed at this!

If other intelligent life existed, they would tell us this...

"Use that money to help those living on your own planet before you come knocking on OUR door!"

Seriously, if your family was suffering and you could ease that pain, but instead you used the resources to go on a hunt for your neighbors who live a billion miles away, who you have never met or even know if they exist...wouldn't that be INSANE?

I find it amazing that people can throw away such an opportunity to help mankind on such foolishness!

God help us.

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